Thursday, August 8, 2013

Weblogic Cluster constraints

It specifies that deployments targeted to a cluster succeed only if all servers in the cluster are running.

By default, cluster constraints are disabled and deployment is attempted only on the servers that are reachable at the time of deployment from the Administration Server. Any servers that have been shut down or are temporarily partitioned from the Administration Server will retrieve the deployment during server startup .

We can enable or disable from weblogic admin console.
Enabling Cluster Constrains
Click on Domain name -->select the "Enable Cluster Constraints" check box--> save the changes .
Disabling Cluster Constrains
Click on Domain name -->uncheck  the "Enable Cluster Constraints" --> save the changes .

Cluster constrains can also set through application by adding below parameter to weblogic.xml file.

Weblogic Datasources

There are 3 types of data sources in 10.3.5
  •  Generic data source
  •  Grid Link datasource
  •  Mutli datasource
Datasource: contains pool of database connections that are created when datasource instance is created i.e.
A JDBC data source is an object bound to the JNDI tree that provides database connectivity through a pool of JDBC connections. Applications can look up a data source on the JNDI tree and then borrow a database connection from a data source.

  •  When it is deployed or targeted
  •  Server start-up
Multi Datasource: Abstraction around data source to provide load balancing or failover for datasource which are part of Multi Datasource
We can create the datasource as follows
  •  By Admin Console
  •  By WLST Script
  • By Programmatically using JMX API (by Developer)

System v/s Application JDBC Module – JDBC Modules created by Administrator using Console or WLST are called as System JDBC module where as JDBC module created by developer using WebLogic Workshop, other IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or XML editor are called as Application JDBC Module.

    <name>JDBC Data Source-test</name>

Note:If we create the data source  related xml file will be created in conf/jdbc folder .Xml file contains the all information like connection pools,username, passwords and targets .... etc.

Grid Link datasource
A single GridLink data source provides connectivity between WebLogic Server and an Oracle Database service targeted to an Oracle RAC cluster. It uses the Oracle Notification Service (ONS) to adaptively respond to state changes in an Oracle RAC instance
A GridLink data source includes the features of generic data sources plus the following support for Oracle RAC:

  •  "Fast Connection Failover"
  • "Runtime Connection Load Balancing"
  •  "Graceful Handling for Oracle RAC Outages"
  •  "XA Affinity"
  • "SCAN Addresses"
  • "Secure Communication using Oracle Wallet."

Starting Weblogic managed server without node manager

We can start Weblogic managed server instance using the startManagedWebLogic
Windows : startManagedWebLogic.cmd
Solaris/Linex :

Syntax to start the managed server is "startManagedWebLogic.cmd server_name admin_url"
            server_name is the name of the Managed Server
            admin_url is the url used to access the Administration Server for the domain.

For example: startManagedWebLogic.cmd Server1 http://localhost:7001

startManagedWebLogic.cmd command collects the managed server name and internally call the "startWebLogic.cmd" to start the managed server.

startManagedWebLogic present in Domain home bin folder

%DOMAIN_HOME%\bin\ startManagedWebLogic.cmd


  • If we do not mention it will ask the Admin server username and password.
  • If we mention the script don't ask the Admin server username and password.

Disadvantage: Server will shut down if we press CTL + C , So we need to start the process as nohub.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Script to know the process id with KEY Name


PROCESS_ID=`ps -ef | grep -w $PROCESS_NAME | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`


if test "${PROCESS_ID}" != ""
echo "Process is already running"

  echo "Process is not running"

Note: If multiple processes are running with same KEY name, PROCESS_ID will contain the all process ids.

Ex: 1243 34343 7384 9099 4334

This Script will be useful in cronjob configuration to check any previous process is running before start the new process.

We can configure the process name for cronjob process with –Dapp Key

Ex: java –Dapp=Process_name –jar /data/Weblogic/test.jar

Monday, August 5, 2013

Weblogic Start up arguments

Enabling gc logs to  weblogic managed server

  • -Xloggc:/data/Weblogic/logs/gc.log

Jsp Scriptlet to display the application server name in web page.

<%= System.getProperty("weblogic.Name") %>

Using this tag in jsp page we can get the Weblogic server name in webpage .

Data source password change with out restart the web logic server

After we update system resources such as JDBC data sources, JMS modules, and diagnostic modules, we can redeploy them.
To update an application:
In the left pane of the Administration Console, select the domain that contains the system resources we want to redeploy.
In the right pane, click Control.
Click System Resources.
Select the check box next to the name of the system resources you want to redeploy.
Click Redeploy to redeploy the resources.

Click Yes to confirm our decision.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Solaris Commands

  • uname -a 
    • To know the server information like operating system,servername,osversion
  • uptime
    • show how long the system has been up
  • last reboot
    • Display the server reboot information including last reboot time

ls Commands
  • ls  (Display the list of file)
  • ls  |head  (Display the first 10 files in the folder)
  • ls | head -n  (Display the first "n" number of files)
  • ls |tail (Display the last 10 files in a folder)
  • ls |tail -n (Display the last "n" numbers of files)
  • ls -a (Display the hidden files and normal fiels.Hidden files begin with a ".", i.e. ".htaccess" files.
  • ls -l|grep '^d' :To Display only Directories
  • ls -l |wc -l  To know the count of the files  in a directory
  • ls -lrt | grep -v "distribute*" | xargs zip $*
  • ls d -1 $PWD/* > /tmp/ans/temp.txt
  • ls -f -1 $PWD/* > /tmp/ans/temp.txt
  • ls -l |cut -f18 -d' ' : To know the time stamp of the current file
  • sed '3d' fileName.txt (Remove the 3rd line)
  • sed '7,9d' filename.txt (Remove the interval between lines 7 and 9)
grep Commands
  • grep -n "1311179383812" file.txt (To find the line number of a word in file)
  • grep -w -c \"text\" file name (To find the count of the word in file)
  • jps -l (To Know the process id and arguments of java process)
Note: It is working in only solaris

Find Commands
  • find . -type f -exec grep -l "string" {} + 
    • Find the file names which contains the string in current and sub folders.         
  • find . -name '*.jsp' -exec touch {} \;
    • Find the jsp file names and update the time stamp of the jsp files.
Touch Commands
  • touch -t 200908201024 touch.txt 
    • To change the time stamp of the file to our choice        
prstat -Z

To know the cpu utilization in local zone
ZONEID    NPROC  SWAP   RSS       MEMORY    TIME                CPU ZONE
     2            57           4160M  3857M   1.5%              10:06:52 0.3%   tst-server

Change file or Directory ownership 

chown (change ownership command change the ownership of the file or directory)

chown  user2 temp.txt : It changes the ownership of the temp.txt file  to user2

chown -R java_user * :It changes the all files , directories and sub directories ownership  to java_user

  • netstat -an |grep -i "LISTEN"
    • To know the list of listen ports in a machine       
  • netstat -a |grep 7001
    • To know whether port 7001 is listen or not
  • showrev -p
    • To know the applied patched in solaris
  • showrev -a | grep "126546-05"
Patch: 126546-05 Obsoletes:  Requires:  Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWbash, SUNWsfman
Patch: IDR151577-01 Obsoletes:  Requires: 126546-05 Incompatibles: 126546-06 Packages: SUNWbash
  • wget Commad
wget command location in solaris is : /usr/sfw/bin/wget

Usage:  wget

Making weblogic server as load balancing webserver

Making weblogic server as load balancing webserver

we can use the weblogic server as webserver by deploying a web application in weblogic server .
web application weblogic.xml and web.xml files should contains the below mentioned tags .
weblogic server details  need to be mention in WebLogicCluster parameter


For example if you have one standalone  server and two  servers  in a cluster and Deployed the web application in standalone managed server .

If the request comes to stand alone  server it will send the request to the clustered servers.
weblogic.servlet.proxy.HttpClusterServlet servlet class is responsible to serve the requests.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "">

weblogic.xml file
<!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 8.1//EN" "">

Cron Tab

Cron is a UNIX, Solaris utility that allows tasks to be automatically run in the background at regular intervals by the cron daemon. These tasks are often termed as cron jobs in UNIX, Solaris.  Crontab (CRON TABle) is a file which contains the schedule of cron entries to be run and at specified times.

1. Crontab Restrictions

You can execute crontab if your name appears in the file /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow. If that file does not exist, you can use crontab if your name does not appear in the file /usr/lib/cron/cron.deny.

If only cron.deny exists and is empty, all users can use crontab. If neither file exists, only the root user can use crontab. The allow/deny files consist of one user name per line.

2. Crontab Commands

export EDITOR=vi ;To specify a editor to open crontab file.

crontab -e    Edit your crontab file, or create one if it doesn’t already exist.

crontab -l      Display your crontab file.

crontab -r      Remove your crontab file.

crontab -v      Display the last time you edited your crontab file. (This option is only available on a few systems.)

3. Crontab file

Crontab syntax:

A crontab file has five fields for specifying day, date and time followed by the command to be run at that interval.

*     *       *           command to be executed
-     -     -   -    -
|     |     |   |    |
|     |     |   |    +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
|     |     |   +------- month (1 - 12)
|     |     +--------- day of        month (1 - 31)
|     +----------- hour (0 - 23)

+------------- min (0 - 59)


0 6 * * 1 cd /data/test; ksh 1>>/logs/Test.log 2>>/logs/TestError.log

  •  Fist 0 indicates the min
  •  second "6" indicates the hour 6
  •   last "1" indicates the Moday

Here cron job will run every Monday 6 AM

  •  Test.log contians the normal SOP statements
  • TestError.log Contains the error and stack statements 

Weblogic Terminology

  • Domain: is a logically related group of WebLogic Server resources .A domain is an interrelated set of WebLogic Server resources that are managed as a unit.
  • Administration Server: The server instance which configures, manages, and monitors all other server instances and resources in the domain. An Administration Server is a WebLogic Server instance that maintains configuration data for a domain.
  • Managed Server: is a WebLogic Server instance that runs deployed applications.
  • When a Managed Server starts up, it connects to the domain's Administration Server to synchronize its configuration document with the document that the Administration Server maintains.You can start a Managed Server even if the Administration Server is not running. In this case, the Managed Server uses a local copy of the domain’s configuration files for its starting configuration and then periodically attempts to connect with the Administration Server. When it does connect, it synchronizes its configuration state with that of the Administration Server.
  •  If a Managed Server cannot connect to the Administration Server during start up, it can retrieve its configuration by reading its locally cached configuration data from the config directory.
  • A Managed Server that starts in this way is running in Managed Server Independence (MSI) mode. By default, MSI mode is enabled.
  • All Managed Servers in a cluster must reside in the same domain; you cannot split a cluster over multiple domains.
  •  All Managed Servers in a domain must run the same version of the WebLogic Server software. The Administration Server may run either the same version as the Managed Servers in the domain, or a later service pack.
  • Each Managed Server maintains a copy of the domain’s configuration files. This copy is read-only and can be updated only as part of a change management process.
  •  When the Administration Server starts up, it saves a JAR file named config-booted.jar that contains the configuration files. When you make changes to the configuration files, the old files are saved in the configArchive directory under the domain directory, in a JAR file with a sequentially-numbered name like config-1.jar.
  • Configuration changes that can take effect without a server restart are sometimes referred to as dynamic changes.
           Ex: if you change a Managed Server’s Listen Port value, the new port will not be used until the next time you start the Managed Server. The updated value is stored in config.xml, but the run time value is not affected.
  • configuration changes that require a server restart are sometimes referred to as non-dynamic changes
  • We can't start the server when it is in ADMIN mode, we can Resume the server to start.
  • We can Shutdown the server which is in ADMIN Mode.
  • The Administration Console is a browser-based Web application that allows you to configure and monitor your WebLogic Server domain, server instances, and running applications and their associated resources. You can also use the Administration Console to create new server instances and clusters and tune application descriptors

Types of HTTP Session Replication

Types of HTTP Session Replication

There are five different implementations of session persistence:

Memory (single-server, non-replicated): When you use memory-based storage, all session information is stored in memory and is lost when you stop and restart WebLogic Server.

File system persistence: Session information is stored in a file under the PersistentStoreDir specified.

JDBC persistence: Session information is stored in a database table.

Cookie-based session persistence: Session information is stored in a cookie.

In-memory replication (across a cluster): Session data is copied from one server instance to another into memory.

Thread Dump Taking Procedure

Taking Thread Dump:

1)                        Syntax:  kill -3 <ProcessID>

The Output of the Thread Dump will be generated in the Server STDOUT fie

2) Simplest option to take Thread Dump is:

Login to AdminConsole—>Server —> Monitoring —> Threads

3) Through WLST you need to write the WLST script like “”

In this case you will see the Thread Dumps on the Same Shell prompt….

Not need to look into the Server STDOUT


                           cd ('Servers')


                           cd ('AdminServer')






Now open a command Shell and then run the “”

then run the WLST script like:

java weblogic.WLST


java weblogic.WLST /opt/bea/MyScripts/


Creating jar file with Manifest file

Command to create the jar file by including the Manifest file.

jar cvfm ramprasad.jar Manifest.txt .

Note:Jar with in the jar will not work.

SQL Queries

Not like qurery

select Colum1 from tablename where Colum1 = 'ramprasad' and Colum2 not like '%Prasad%'
Append two columns data

select (Colum1 ||':' ||Colum2 ) from TableName
Ex: Colum1 = Ram and Colum2 =prasad


  • To Know the time stamp of the Oracle  Database.
                select SYSTIMESTAMP from dual;

  •  To Know the time stamp of the Database.

               select SYSTIMESTAMP from dual

  • Query Which displays all the records expect the records in other table

select row1 from Table1 where row1  NOT IN (select row1  Table2  where row2= 'Test');
Here row1 present in two tables(Table1 & Table2).Query will  show the all the records in Table1 except the record present in Table2

Different Types of Deployments in weblogic

Stage mode
                      The Administration Server copies the archive files from their source location to a location on each of the targeted Managed Servers that deploy the archive. For example, if you deploy a J2EE Application to three servers in a cluster, the Administration Server copies the application archive files to each of the three servers. Each server then deploys the J2EE Application using its local copy of the archive files.

Stage mode is the default mode when deploying to more than one WebLogic Server instance.

Nostage mode

                   The Administration Server does not copy the archive files from their source location. Instead, each targeted server must access the archive files from a single source directory for deployment. For example, if you deploy a J2EE Application to three servers in a cluster, each server must be able to access the same application archive files (from a shared or network-mounted directory) to deploy the application.
Nostage mode is the default mode when deploying only to the Administration Server (for example, in a single-server domain). You can also select nostage mode if you run a cluster of server instances on the same machine.

 External_stage mode

                                External_stage mode is similar to stage mode, in that the deployment files must reside locally to each targeted server. However, the Administration Server does not automatically copy the deployment files to targeted servers in external_stage mode; instead, you must manually copy the files, or use a third-party application to copy the files for you.

Weblogic supports following type of deployment unit

a) EAR file (Enterprise Archive)

b) WAR file (Web Archive)

c) JAR files, EJB (Enterprise Java Beans)

d) RAR (Resource Adapter/Connector )

e) Web Services (WAR/JAR)

f) J2EE Library

g) CAR (Client Application Archive)

Tools used to deploy/configure applications

1) weblogic.Deployer – command line interface

2) Administration Console – Web based interface

3) WLST(WebLogic Scripting Tool) – command line tool to automate deployment configuration and operation

4) Tool for developers (wldeploy, weblogic.PlanGenerator, API, autodeploy)

Refer the links

➤ How to deploy applications with wldeploy

Mailx Command

Mailx Command to send the files from solaris box

For Single file
uuencode file1.txt file1.txt |mailx -s "Subject"  <Mail id>
Ex:uuencode Diff.text Diff.text |mailx -s " Difference"

For multiple Files :