- uname -a
- To know the server information like operating system,servername,osversion
- uptime
- show how long the system has been up
- last reboot
- Display the server reboot information including last reboot time
ls Commands
- ls (Display the list of file)
- ls |head (Display the first 10 files in the folder)
- ls | head -n (Display the first "n" number of files)
- ls |tail (Display the last 10 files in a folder)
- ls |tail -n (Display the last "n" numbers of files)
- ls -a (Display the hidden files and normal fiels.Hidden files begin with a ".", i.e. ".htaccess" files.
- ls -l|grep '^d' :To Display only Directories
- ls -l |wc -l To know the count of the files in a directory
- ls -lrt | grep -v "distribute*" | xargs zip logs_1.zip $*
- ls d -1 $PWD/* > /tmp/ans/temp.txt
- ls -f -1 $PWD/* > /tmp/ans/temp.txt
- ls -l test.sh |cut -f18 -d' ' : To know the time stamp of the current file
- sed '3d' fileName.txt (Remove the 3rd line)
- sed '7,9d' filename.txt (Remove the interval between lines 7 and 9)
grep Commands
- grep -n "1311179383812" file.txt (To find the line number of a word in file)
- grep -w -c \"text\" file name (To find the count of the word in file)
- jps -l (To Know the process id and arguments of java process)
Find Commands
- find . -type f -exec grep -l "string" {} +
- Find the file names which contains the string in current and sub folders.
- find . -name '*.jsp' -exec touch {} \;
- Find the jsp file names and update the time stamp of the jsp files.
- touch -t 200908201024 touch.txt
- To change the time stamp of the file to our choice
To know the cpu utilization in local zone
2 57 4160M 3857M 1.5% 10:06:52 0.3% tst-server
Change file or Directory ownership
chown (change ownership command change the ownership of the file or directory)
chown user2 temp.txt : It changes the ownership of the temp.txt file to user2
chown -R java_user * :It changes the all files , directories and sub directories ownership to java_user
- netstat -an |grep -i "LISTEN"
- To know the list of listen ports in a machine
- netstat -a |grep 7001
- To know whether port 7001 is listen or not
- showrev -p
- To know the applied patched in solaris
- showrev -a | grep "126546-05"
Patch: IDR151577-01 Obsoletes: Requires: 126546-05 Incompatibles: 126546-06 Packages: SUNWbash
- wget Commad
Usage: wget http://ramaprasad434.blogspot.in/2013/07/solaris-commands.html
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