Sunday, July 6, 2014

Cache controls for static files in iPlanet (Sun One Webserver)

Browser caching behavior is also subject to Web server settings for static file caching. Appropriate settings allow files that are rarely updated, such as image files, JavaScript files, or style sheet files, to be cached on the browser. Caching static files reduces network utilization and enhances Web Client response time.

  • we can enable the cache control for iplanet web server by adding  below tags in obj.conf file 

<If $path =~ "^(.*)(\\.)(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|js|css|woff)$">

      ObjectType fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="Expires:$(httpdate($time + 64000))"
      ObjectType fn="set-cache-control" control="public,max-age=64000"

  • We can verify the Cache controls in web browser HTTP headers.


Friday, July 4, 2014

Disable / enable a Web Agent (Siteminder Agent)

Disable a Web Agent (Disable sso protection)

Change the below parameter in WebAgent.conf


Enable a Web Agent (Enable  sso protection)

Change the below parameter in WebAgent.conf


Restart the Services to reflect the changes.